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Become a Member or Sponsor

If you would like to be a part of the tennis tradition here in San Saba and continue the good work that has already been started, join San Saba Tennis Association as a member or come on board as a sponsor, we'd love to have you!

Brick Wall

Buy a Brick

San Saba Tennis Association helped raise funds to add four more courts to San Saba ISD. You can help continue the efforts by buying a brick in honor or memory of a loved one. The money will go towards buying shade screens for the stands at both sets of courts and scholarships for seniors.


President - Ralph Cox

Vice President - Mindy Sebastain

Treasurer - Kristen Nelson

David Bourke

Luke Cox and Family

Ralph Cox

Jody and Corina Fauley and family

Dani and Buck Gilcrease

Kristen Isham

Grant and Christi Mays and family

Michael and Kristen Nelson

Tim and Mindy Sebastain and family

Craig and Amy Stencil and family

Marvin Whitt and family

Winston and Kristen Millican and family

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